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訂了 a bunch of milky tea, 忘了拍 

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郭富三等資訊警察 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


No best policy fir. Each marketing mechanism, in some office, sb, just request to match their plan, but it’s sort of confliction with ur policy ? What u should do ? Who’s gonna to take the responsibility ? As regarding to the history what I have encountered ? 

郭富三等資訊警察 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

郭富祝您 聖誕快樂  

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Nephew’s kid.   Lunch 

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 郭富 podcast link 


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 郭富 podcast link 


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  • Aug 22 Sun 2021 16:34
  • Life 


Several cats smuggled ,as regarding to the legal regulations, they r sent to do active enthanasia —-

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Pretty day 

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0604 也不過幾天的事。樹大招風 

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