發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2019-12-19 Basque burnt cheesecake What’s the difference  (49) (0)
2019-12-18 Ok 悦誠 cloud cafe tea break  (37) (0)
2019-12-18 先是樂邦客 但改得沒fu 又繞到 lover brunch 林泉st. 169! (13) (0)
2019-12-17 Ok Ok 天堂 地獄抽獎。revealed day  (44) (0)
2019-12-15 1Surprise from Nancy master, via Rosie Tsai , oops, what  a pretty. And thx  (9) (0)
2019-12-15 KF. Celebration banquet in ambassador hotel.  (21) (0)
2019-12-14 Coming the game of Heaven with the Hell (13) (0)
2019-12-12 Hi Hi Lunch at dark forest  (6) (0)
2019-12-11 全聯25 元熱美式。俗又讚 值得推薦一下 (41) (0)
2019-12-09 Sea wall 112 nears the pearl of kenting 海堤112 B&B (36) (0)
2019-12-09 嘉珍 seafood in kenting night market street  (2) (0)
2019-12-09 Starbucks, deer, with cheesecake with  caesarhotel  (5) (0)
2019-12-09 Sunny day. Smoke joe.  (12) (0)
2019-12-07 保六總隊告死爛立委,維護警察尊嚴,支持警察依法處理,不要車輪洗腦詭辯之說法 (7) (0)
2019-12-04 泠泠的高雄早晨。溫暖的捷米早餐 (5) (0)
2019-11-30 H2O 勘㘯 (6) (0)
2019-11-27 Biscotti, the joy of sharing , from the states, Nancy The smart and tough lady  (36) (0)
2019-11-26 Cafeteria in 衞武營國家歌劇院 (26) (0)
2019-11-26 林南街18。簡單吃brunch 文化中心又一點 (8) (0)
2019-11-22 109 警大考試期程 (0) (0)
2019-11-19 烤箱的蝦子 加歌仔戲 (25) (0)
2019-11-19 濰克 brunch 林泉st.  (7) (0)
2019-11-18 六合落日 (10) (0)
2019-11-16 午餐, 繞了一圈,小騎士,茶泡飯,最後火雞肉飯_Lunch, out of church’s fried chic, and another chazuke ? (7) (0)
2019-11-15 香檳加水煮蝦 (27) (0)
2019-11-15 Lover 勒芙輕食。林泉街’s brunch  (14) (0)
2019-11-14 好好初 第二趟。新興美麗島附近 (13) (0)
2019-11-11 三等資訊警察特考107108說明 (4) (0)
2019-11-10 Sunday dinner, 悅誠‘s 男飯 (27) (1)
2019-11-10 Brunch 文化中心一角’s 早餐 (18) (0)
2019-11-09 武廟路正言路的海產店 (28) (0)
2019-11-08 六合發不了大財,附近餐點真難找到爽的,只能找tea break 充飢 (21) (0)
2019-11-08 【三等資訊警察特考】【電腦犯罪偵查】【資管所】【電腦犯罪與資訊安全】【數位鑑識與電腦犯罪】【記憶體鑑識-[為何要做?][有何特殊性?][與HardDisk鑑識相比較?][實作-舉業界公認工具描述步驟]】 By _ssdbhadra(Royce Kuo) (110) (0)
2019-11-06 Cafeteria in IKEA , chunghwa rd (29) (0)
2019-11-03 深海魚湯好幾家。這家試試 (23) (0)
2019-11-03 濰克 brunch 大碗但不一 定便宜 (40) (0)
2019-11-01 Lunch better have a cup of coffee later (12) (0)
2019-10-30 六合夜市發大財不可能。新興好好初 (70) (0)
2019-10-29 Stop by noodle restaurant, due to getting a glass bottle  (14) (0)
2019-10-28 Damn starving,  (4) (0)
2019-10-27 Nan Miao Ho Len Ge Kyo 南無妙法蓮華經 (36) (0)
2019-10-27 Sunday market down the pacific Deptstore Pt  (20) (0)
2019-10-26 Raining, can’t go biking,  (11) (0)
2019-10-24 Woosa snack tea break  (9) (0)
2019-10-24 Six inch plates. Breakfast in the early morning  (31) (0)
2019-10-22 Cheese roll from Mary grace  (12) (0)
2019-10-20 Early morning.  Second day for the class.  (1) (0)
2019-10-19 Google ads. What should we expect to have   Nothing is gonna to be mysterious.  Coz Sbs always excusing Sb to insult others.  (4) (0)
2019-10-17 【三等資訊警察特考】【警政資訊管理與應用】【警政資訊管理與應用】【資訊管理系統】【時事考點】【區塊鏈及警察應用-[Business Intelligence蒐集分析方法][ISMS及資安六子法]】 (44) (0)
2019-10-16 Lunch and worrying the coming votes on 2020, Taiwan will become HK?  (1) (0)


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